Our contribution to the “Summit of the Future” in the context of the UN General Assembly (September 22 and 23, 2024)
Author: Klaus M. Leisinger
Published: 2024
Jahresbericht 2022 der Stiftung Globale Werte Allianz
Wenn man zu Themen der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung und nachhaltige Entwicklung arbeitet, ist es unmöglich, einen Arbeitsbericht für das Jahr 2022 zu erstellen, ohne auf das einzugehen, was die Wenig- sten von uns für möglich gehalten hätten: Mitten in Europa tobt ein Angriffskrieg gegen ein friedliches Land und seine Bevölkerung. Über die völkerrechtliche, menschenfeindliche und moralische Verwerflich- keit ist alles gesagt.
Author: Klaus M. Leisinger
Published: 2022
Author Event: Klaus Leisinger’s New Book Integrity in Business and Society
A special Zoom round table at 9:00 am (CST) on Thursday, December 9, with our colleague, Klaus Leisinger, on the release of his new book.
Ethics Professor Given Honorary Award
Honorary Doctorates were conferred to Professor Klaus Leisinger while.
Professor Klaus Leisinger received his award from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) on September 10, 2021, to acknowledge the significant contribution he has made to the Higher Education sector, particularly through his co-development on the Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings, and his support of the TRUST project.
Rezensionen. Integrität im geschäftlichen Handeln
„Das Buch widmet sich einem zentralen Thema unternehmerischen Handelns: der nicht nur behaupteten, sondern tatsächlichen Integrität.“
Author: Klaus M. Leisinger
Published: 2021
Jahresbericht 2020 der Stiftung Globale Werte Allianz
Das Jahr 2020 war auch für uns kein Jahr wie jedes andere. Während in den Monaten Januar und Februar noch alles seinen gewöhnlichen Verlauf zu nehmen schien, war ab März alles anders – der neue Virus bestimmte das, was vernünftigerweise noch getan werden konnte.
Author: Klaus M. Leisinger
Published: 2021
Integrität im geschäftlichen Handeln: Prof. Klaus Leisinger zu Gast im WZGE-Podcast
In der fünften Folge des WZGE-Podcasts spricht Prof. Klaus Leisinger mit Lisa Schmalzried und Lisa-Marie Heimes über sein neues Buch „Integrität im geschäftlichen Handeln“.
Wie können Führungskräfte zur Überwindung globaler Herausforderungen beitragen? Was heißt Integrität im geschäftlichen Handeln? Und welche Rolle spielt dabei Vertrauen? Über diese Fragen sprachen Lisa Schmalzried und Lisa-Marie Heimes in der fünften Folge des WZGE-Podcasts „Werte und Wirklichkeit“ mit Prof. Klaus Leisinger. Er ist Gründer und Präsident der Stiftung Globale Werte Allianz, emeritierter Professor für Soziologie an der Universität Basel, und Mitglied des WZGE. Er war viele Jahre in der Pharmaindustrie tätig und berät als Experte internationale Organisationen in entwicklungspolitischen und unternehmensethischen Fragen, unter anderem als „Special Advisor“ von UNO Generalsekretär Kofi Annan für Fragen der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung von Unternehmen (Global Compact). Im November 2020 erschien sein aktuelles Buch „Integrität im geschäftlichen Handeln“.
„Werte und Wirklichkeit“ ist das neue Podcastformat des Wittenberg-Zentrums für Globale Ethik. Einmal im Monat unterhalten wir uns mit Personen aus dem Umfeld des WZGE über verschiedene Aspekte der Wirtschafts-, Unternehmens- und Führungsethik. Dabei kommen sowohl Praktiker*innen als auch Wissenschaftler*innen zu Wort. Der Podcast kann auf den gängigen Podcastportalen wie und Spotify abgerufen werden.
The Moral Basis for Business Activity
My name is Klaus Leisinger. I’m a Professor of Business Ethics at the University of Basel, and I have been working 40 years in management positions at a big pharmaceutical company, and I was running the corporate philanthropy part of that company for many years.
Questions about ethics and responsibility
Questions about ethics and responsibiity should not be discussed and answered monologically in one’s ivory tower. Only dialogue at eye level, dialogue with people with different expertise, values, world view, skills and experience can lead to answers that are acceptable to others. We are in regular contact with the most important stakeholder in our area of expertise.
Interreligious Dialogues
All important questions of our time require the cooperation – if not co-creation – of all people of good will. Enlightened representatives of religions have a particular responsibility in this respect. They bring a spiritual dimension into a discourse which would otherwise only disputed with economic, social, ecological and political arguments.
Issues of sustainable development and interreligious dialogues
When it comes to sustainable development issues and inter-religious as well as trans-cultural dialogues, exchange of views and experiences is essential, e.g. Muhammad Yunus, Ioanna Kucuradi, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Chairman Wu, Bill Vendley, Kerry Kennedy, Amina J. Mohammed, Tu Weiming, Onorio Mansutti, Jeff Sachs, Ted Turner, Hamadoun Touré, Irina Bukova and others.
Creating synergies: Meeting of the Ethics in Action initiative of the Vatican Academy of Sciences
Creating synergies at a meeting of the Initiative Ethics in Action at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: At a meeting of the Initiative Ethics in Action group Prof. Doris Schröder and Klaus Leisinger presented the results of their two-year work for the European Commission: As part of the TRUST research project, a Global Code of Conduct was developed based on the values Fairness, Respect, Care and Honesty. This value-based approach can also be used in the context of the work on Ethics in Action.
Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiga (Archbishop of Tegucigalpa), Doris Schröder Director of the Center for Professional Ethics at UClan, Kardinal John Onaiyekan (Erzbischof von Abuja, Nigeria)
Referat und Teilnahme am Forum der Karl Schlecht Stiftung in Filderstadt
10. Oktober 2018
kulturradio vom rbb | Das Gespräch | Klaus-M. Leisinger: Moralisch wirtschaften
Podcast unter:
Klaus Leisinger speaks on “Sustainable Development in China – Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities“ at the ThinkINchina Event in Beijing April 6th, 2017
Beijing April 6th, 2017
Discourse on Ethical Issues at the National University of Singapore
Discourse on Ethical Issues in the context of clinical trial in low- and middle income countries at the National University of Singapore.
Singapore, February 9th, 2017
Lectures on the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development
Lectures on the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development at the World Sustainability Forum 2017.
Cape Town, January 26 – 28, 2017
The Responsibility of Corporations and the Leadership Resonsibility of Individuals
Participation and Lecture on “The Responsibility of Corporations and the Leadership Resonsibility of Individuals“ at the Wittenberg Autumn Academy on Economic and Business Ethics.
Wittenberg, December, 2016
Legality or Legitimacy in the context of International Business Activities?
Participation and Key lecture on „Legality or Legitimacy in the context of International Business Activities?“ at the Farewell-Symposium for Prof. Ingeborg Schwenzer.
Basel, December 2, 2016
Corporate Responsibility in a World of Cultural Diversity and Pluralism of Values
Lecture, Panel Discussion and Workshop for the Shanghai branch of the German Chamber of Commerce on “Corporate Responsibility in a World of Cultural Diversity and Pluralism of Values“. The event took place as part of the „More than a market“ series of the Chamber.
Shanghai, November 15, 2016
Confucian Enrepreneur Discourse at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou
Participation and Moderator role at the Confucian Enrepreneur Discourse 2016 on November 12-13th at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou. Confucian entrepreneurs are business leaders who care for the world and serve it according to the Confucian Way by prioritizing morality over money. Within the realm most deeply influenced by Confucian thought called “Cultural China,” and in East Asia in particular, Confucian Entrepreneurs have long been exemplars of the synthesis between humanism and business.
Hangzhou, November 12 – 13, 2016
Luther 2017: Protestant Resources for the Next Modernity
Participation and Key Lecture at the conference „Luther 2017: Protestant Resources for the Next Modernity.“
Berlin, October 27 / 28, 2016
Klaus Leisinger is invited to join the Core Steering Group of ETHICS IN ACTION
Klaus Leisinger is invited to join the core steering group of the new initiative of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Ethics in Action, aimed at promoting integral human and sustainable development, in response to Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’. The first two workshops took place Ocober 31st / 1 – 2 November, 2016.
Rome, July 20, 2016
How to make the Sustainable Development Goals Europe’s Business – A Multi- Stakeholder Approach
Participation in the to high-level meeting “How to make the Sustainable Development Goals Europe’s Business – A Multi- Stakeholder Approach.“ The meeting as co-organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, the SDG Charter, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). First Vice President of the EU Commission Frans Timmermans has opened the discussions by laying out a vision for achieving the SDGs.
Brussels, May 30 – 31, 2016
Business needs to embrace sustainability targets
Companies that do not align their management strategies with sustainable development goals will lose out, warns Klaus Leisinger.
Article invited by NATURE (
Key lecture at Peking University (BEIDA) on the role of entrepreneurs for „The Sustainable Development for a Future we want for All“, Beijing
Klaus M. Leisinger at the 5th WorldSustainabilityForum in Basel on September 8, 2015
“Corporate Sustainability, Global Values and Pluralistic Societies: What can we know? What ought we to do? What may we hope?”
Lecture (PDF)
Youtube Video
For more information go to
5th World Sustainability Forum
Montag 07. September 2015 bis Mittwoch 09. September 2015 — Universitätsspital Basel, Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung, Switzerland
The 5th World Sustainability Forum aims to be a platform for researchers to present and engage with others on issues relating to sustainability within this historical context. We seek to contribute to policy-relevant, change-oriented, and transdisciplinary research and collaboration from science and technology, the life sciences, and the social sciences.
Poster (PDF)
For more information go to
Corporate Responsibility and the Role of Faith in Times of Globalization
Guido Vergauwen, Rektor, Universität Fribourg, Klaus Leisinger, Miroslav Volf, Yale University
Key Lecture and Panel discussion on „Corporate Responsibility and the Role of Faith in Times of Globalization“. Study days on theological and societal renewal „Faith & Globalization“ at the University of Fribourg.
Lecture given at the World Ethics Institute Beijing (Peking University)
Lecture given at the World Ethics Institute Beijing (Peking University) on „Sustainable Development as a comprehensive societal reform process“ (April 29th, 2015)
ECOSOC Special Event on Multistakeholder Partnerships
Zusammenfassung als PDF | Link zur Website
Workshop Title 2015: Faith and Globalization
Klaus Leisinger is speaker at the Workshop 2015 of the Study Center for Faith and Society, 10-12 June 2015, at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland).
The processes of social change and the phenomena of globalization affect all areas of life, and also interact with the faith of the people. Humanity must address the resulting theological and social challenges in dialog. The Workshop, held at the University of Fribourg on June 10-12, 2015, provides this opportunity. It open to all interested people. More…
Human rights “without borders“: Risks and challenges for Swiss companies
Klaus Leisinger moderierte die gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Fondation Guilé und des Graduate Institute Geneva zum Thema Human rights “without borders“: Risks and challenges for Swiss companies (zum Film-Interview)
Hauptredner war John Ruggie, Prof in Human RIghts and International Affairs an der Harvard University und ehemaliger „UN Secretary-General Special Representative on Business and Human Right” Mehr…
Genf, 26. Januar 2015
Big Questions
Big Questions is a television program that explores new ideas and projects that are changing the way the world works. We have gathered stories from our backyard in the United States, to faraway places around the globe, each focused on innovative solutions and inspiring people.
Poverty as a System with Klaus M. Leisinger
Go to Tanzania to see how health care and education are being used to deal with major illnesses in rural communities. We discuss the importance of how businesses and NGOs do work while looking at a leper colony and a project using communication to prevent malaria. Does a pharmaceutical company have a greater responsibility to people than other businesses? More…
Global values for global development
Klaus Leisinger is Founder and President of the Global Values Alliance, Special Adviser on the post-2015 Development and Business Ethics to the UN Global Compact and member of the Consortium Board of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
Special Advisor on the Post-2015 Development and Business Ethics for the year 2015
The UN Global Compact has appointed Prof. Dr. Klaus M. Leisinger, Funder and Chairman of the Global Values Alliance Foundation for the third consecutive time to the honorary role of Special Advisor on the Post-2015 Development and Business Ethics for the year 2015.
The anticipated tasks are to
- Help the Global Compact Office to build close collaboration and alignment with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network in the lead up to the development of the Secretary- General’s Report on the Post-2015 Development;
- Assist the Global Compact Office in further elaborating the ethical dimension of corporate sustainability promoted by the UN Global Compact, and strengthen the link between corporate ethics and sustainability issues;
- Represent, when asked to do so, the GCO on events that relate to ethics and corporate sustainability.
Working Paper, Global Values for Global Development
This paper has been prepared to contribute to the conferences of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and of the UN Global Compact LEAD Initiative in September 2014 to introduce a values dimension to a discourse that usually centers on economic, social and ecological issues. It has been amended to include the results of the meetings as well as of the UN Climate Summit 2014 and the conferences and other events around the Summit. More…
UN Broadband Commission Meeting
The United Nations Broadband Commission promotes modern information and communication technology in public health, education, good governance and economic development to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Klaus Leisinger is member of the Commission and collaborates closely with Hamadoun Touré, Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and Dr. Irina Bukova, Secretary General of the UNESCO. This snapshot was taken at the Commission´s Meeting on 21st September 2014.
Klaus Leisinger is member of the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
For more information see and Sustainable Development Solutions Council
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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA | Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC | United Nations and International Organisations Division
Ambassadors Conference 2014
Klaus Leisinger delivered a speech on
The Post-2015 Architecture for Sustainable Economic Engagement Opportunities of Swiss Enterprises
Speech by Klaus M. Leisinger at the Ambassador Conference 2014 as PDF
(available in German only)